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Tonjiru(Miso soup with pork and vegetables)

Tonjiru(Miso soup with pork and vegetables)

・1pack… ”Kaoru Aji Dashi” (as dashi pack for making basic dashi)
・400ml……Water (boiled water)
・100g……Sliced pork belly
・1slice of…… Aburaage(thin deep-fried tofu)
・1~2……Shiitake mushrooms
・1/3……Gobou(burdock root)
・1/2……Green onion
・1tsp(5ml)……Sesame oil


①Bring 400ml of water to a boil in a pot, and put 1 pack of “Kaoru Aji Dashi” in it. Cook it for 3 minutes on medium heat, then stop the heat and remove the dashi pack.(Basic dashi)

②Cut or slice ingredients.(Easy-to-bite size for sliced pork belly, thinly slice for Aburaage, Shiitake mushrooms, and green onion, quarter-rounds slice for carrot, shred for burdock root)

③ Put sesame oil and ② in another pan, and stir fry until pork is cooke and its color changes.

④ Add ③ into ①、simmer on medium heat until vegetables are cooked. Skim the foam off from the surface.

⑤Add Miso into ④ and mix well, then pour in the soup bowl. DONE!

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