Tonjiru(Miso soup with pork and vegetables)

・1pack… ”Kaoru Aji Dashi” (as dashi pack for making basic dashi)
・400ml……Water (boiled water)
・100g……Sliced pork belly
・1slice of…… Aburaage(thin deep-fried tofu)
・1~2……Shiitake mushrooms
・1/3……Gobou(burdock root)
・1/2……Green onion
・1tsp(5ml)……Sesame oil
①Bring 400ml of water to a boil in a pot, and put 1 pack of “Kaoru Aji Dashi” in it. Cook it for 3 minutes on medium heat, then stop the heat and remove the dashi pack.(Basic dashi)
②Cut or slice ingredients.(Easy-to-bite size for sliced pork belly, thinly slice for Aburaage, Shiitake mushrooms, and green onion, quarter-rounds slice for carrot, shred for burdock root)
③ Put sesame oil and ② in another pan, and stir fry until pork is cooke and its color changes.
④ Add ③ into ①、simmer on medium heat until vegetables are cooked. Skim the foam off from the surface.
⑤Add Miso into ④ and mix well, then pour in the soup bowl. DONE!