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Simmered chiken wings


Simmered chiken wings

2-3 servings

・1 pack ……‟Kaoru Aji Dashi” (as dashi pack for making basic dashi)
・400ml ……Water (boiled water)
・6 ……Chiken wings
・3 ……Boiled eggs (peeled)
・1 crove……ginger
・(A) 3tbsps(45ml)……Soy sauce
・(A) 2tbsps(30ml)……Mirin (Sweet sake)
・(A) 1tbsp(9g)……Sugar


①Grate ginger.
②Bring 400ml of water to a boil in a pot, and put 1 pack of “Kaoru Aji Dashi” in it.
Cook it for 3 minutes on medium heat, then stop the heat and remove the dashi pack.(Basic dashi)
③Add chiken wings, boiled eggs, (A), and ① in ②, then put a drop lid on them. Simmer in low heat for 25 minutes.

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