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(Japanese egg omelet)


Dashimaki<br />(Japanese egg omelet)


・〈★〉10ml…NINBEN “Shirodashi”

・〈★〉10ml…NINBEN “Shirodashi”
・Suitable amount…Salad oil
・Suitable amount…Grated daikon radish


  1. Mix well ★ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Add some salad oil into a cold frying pan and heat it on a medium heat.
  3. Pour 1/3 of the egg mixture into a frying pan, mix a little bit with chopsticks, and roll it to the front when the egg is half-cooked.
  4. Cover the frying pan with a oil again, pour 1/2 of the egg mixture, mix with a chopsticks, and roll it.
    Repeat the same steps until you finish all the egg mixture.
  5. Roll the omelet using a makisu (rolling mat) with a plastic film, and leave it for 1 – 2 minutes.
  6. Cut the omelet and serve it with some grated daikon radish.
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